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in huge numbers中文是什么意思

用"in huge numbers"造句"in huge numbers"怎么读"in huge numbers" in a sentence


  • 大量的


  • These babies are exported in huge numbers
  • Globalization and specialization accelerate fdi amount to be increased in huge numbers
  • They hunted bison , a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of america
  • Subsidies distort investment : since the german government fixed the price for solar power at munificent levels , the country has been sucking in huge numbers of solar panels that could be put to better use in sunnier climes
  • They worry that allowing peasants to sell their land could restore a rural landowning class , and that peasants would sell up in huge numbers and descend upon ill - prepared cities , throwing up shanty towns and pushing up crime
  • They worry that allowing peasants to sell their land could restore a rural landowning class , and that peasants would sell up in huge numbers and descend upon ill - prepared cities , throwing up shanty towns and pushing up crime
  • Subsidies distort investment : since the german government fixed the price for solar power at munificent levels , the country has been sucking in huge numbers of solar panels that could be put to better use in sunnier climes
  • Subsidies distort investment : since the german government fixed the price for solar power at munificent levels , the country has been sucking in huge numbers of solar panels that could be put to better use in sunnier climes
    补贴已经使投资扭曲化:自从德国政府为太阳能发电固定了一个异常慷慨的价格之后,国家已经深深陷入了举国皆太阳能电池板的窘境,而本来设备都应当在阳光充足的地区使用(因为德国地理位置的原因造成,译者注) 。
  • In the april 14 physical review letters , investigators at the university of basel in switzerland and their colleagues suggest antineutrinos streaming in huge numbers from the neutron star could irradiate the protons and turn some into neutrons , which build stable , heavy isotopes
用"in huge numbers"造句  
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